The third time Cisco Academy ITC ZSEA organized activities for the Girls in ICT Day in Zaporizhzhya.
Software Engineering students on the base of SOAS department (ZSEA) organized a celebration connected with IT for Zaporizhzhya pupils with support of Cisco company. More than 100 girls and boys from 9 Zaporizhzhya schools got pleasure from game zones and speaking with girls who have made a career in IT.
Firstly, guests had participated in “Binary game” competition, examined process of data translation playing the game named “Pitching Packet”. Alumni of the department “Software of Automated Systems” demonstrated objects from the world of the Internet of Things and all guests had an opportunity to control this objects. Even teachers tried Virtual Reality Headset. VR Headset was given by iNCODE company and software was developed by the 1st and 2nd year students who had won Hachathon Like IT 2017.
The official part of the event was opened by Vladimir Podorozhko, business manager of the executive committee of Zaporizhzhya Regional Council.
Pupils were told about the work and the path to success in IT by:
- Julia Suprunovska – Technical Support Engineer of Cisco Regional Support Center in Brussels (TS EMEA ACI – BE), Belgium;
- Natalia Papysheva, Project Manager, SC “TASKOMBANK”, maintenance department of information systems, Kyiv (ZSEA alumnus);
- Alexandra Grushko, Software Engineer at SUSQUEHANNA PACIFIC PTY LTD, Sydney, Australia (ZSEA alumnus);
- Irina Popova, CTO of Light IT company, Zaporizhzhya (ZSEA alumnus).
The event ended with a quiz on the subject of Internet of Things. Everyone could join the quiz on smartphone.
With pupils from Zaporizhzhya about 100 students at 10 local schools of Zaporizhzhya, Cherkasy, Kherson, Poltava and Lviv regions attended the event. These schools have joined the video broadcast meetings with our experts. Binary Game Competitions on local stages were organized by teachers of informatics.
Girls in ICT Day – is an annual initiative by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), specialized agency of the United Nations.
Everyone who attended the Girls in ICT Day 2017, Cisco Networking Academy ZSEA granted free access to the course “Introduction to the Internet of Things.” After passing the test students will receive certificates of Cisco Networking Academy.